If you are looking for something new but easy for doing, follow us. We offer you great ideas in this post how to made diy wooden train planter for outdoor. It’s easy and it will took you a few hours. The material that you will needed are old wooden pots or log, old whisky barrels and some old children toy. Find inspiration in the following 12 DIY wooden train planter for outdoor and include you family members in this project. When the train planter will be finished you decide together where to put it. You could put it in your garden, in your back or front yard. Take a glimpse and inspire yourself!
1. A train made of wooden pots and whisky barrel;
This train it’s easy for doing and also fun. Take a glimpse!
2. Train made of wooden logs;
Wooden logs are great material for creating your own wooden train planter. Inspire yourself!
3. Wooden train made of old wooden crates;
Small train van for your outdoor place. Find inspiration now!
4. A Train made out of old crates;
White wooden planter for your outdoor place. Do it yourself!
5. Easy for doing wooden train planter;
All you need is a creativity and old wood material. Take a glimpse!
6. A train made of old crates;
Great planter for your flowers. Find inspiration!
7. Wooden trains made of old crates and whisky barrel;
Whisky barrels are great material for re-purposing. Made a train planter for your flowers.
8. Wooden train planter and track age;
Track age and wooden train planter, just for you!
9. Train planter made of wooden pots and old tires;
Great wooden train planter of your garden!
10. Wooden train planter;
Interesting decorative element for your outdoor place. Cheap and easy for doing.
11. Wooden train made of whisky barrels;
Wooden planter for vegetables and flowers.
12. Blue painted train made of whisky barrels;
Paint the whisky barrels in your favorite color! Take a look!