After a weary day at work, your bedroom is your tired body and mind’s sanctuary. So, it’s just so important to put effort into making it as comfortable as possible. You can achieve this by giving your master bedroom a facelift whenever possible.
There can be plenty of reasons you would want to upgrade your master bedroom unplanned. From feeling flat and stagnant, all of a sudden, to a life-changing and heart-wrenching breakups, they can make you want a change of scenery without actually going out of your abode.
Whatever your reason may be, it is always nice to give your master bedroom a breather from time to time.
Thus, here are five things you can do to upgrade your master bedroom:
1. Changing The Mattress
You have the time, you’re in the mood, and you have the perfect place. Everything but the actual sleep. Sleep deprivation may be one of the most important reasons why you should make some changes in the bedroom since it already affects your health.
Changing to a more comfortable mattress based on softness or firmness, the number of layers, temperature control, back support, and airflow, would be some of the factors to consider. Choosing the one which is also color-coordinated to the rest of the bedroom for a more relaxing slumber could be a great way to start your bedroom enhancement.
2. Play With The Furniture
Getting tired of the most favored bedroom of the house is a sum of all factors. But perhaps, the biggest culprit would be the furniture. Whether there’s just too much, too few, or you’re just getting fed up seeing the same pieces of furniture at the same location, there’s only one way to find out.
You can just work around the existing ones while temporary setting aside those you feel won’t fit in with the arrangement you have in mind. You can add a few pieces, like nightstands, vanity tables, or bookshelves. By mixing and matching, you can end up with the combination that you’ll like.
3. Changing The Color Motif
If you’ve paid attention to your surroundings, you’ll notice that most restaurants have orange, green, or yellow in their logos and even the color of dining their areas. Also, why do you think most hospitals have to maintain pristine white walls? It’s about creating or setting moods and perceptions.
Certain hues have long been associated with mood tones. With this, you can change the color of your bedroom, depending on what type of mood you want to set it for. Whether you need sleep stimulation or a happy feeling waking up, it’s your call.
4. Changing The Lighting
Lighting has an effect on people’s moods. In fact, one push of the light switch can make a mood an about-face that you’ll be in awe. It can also affect energy levels and even appetite. On the other hand, insufficient light has been linked to sadness and depression.
What does this have to do with your master bedroom upgrade, you may ask. Lighting has also been proven to affect the circadian rhythms among living things. If you have to employ lighting changes in your bedroom, consider the effects on mood and sleeping habits apart from the aesthetics.
5. Set Aside Seasonal Stuff
Leave the messy desk to the geniuses. Bedrooms, as mentioned, should be a place of relaxation, so there should be no room for clutter.
If you feel you’re not going to use some of your bedroom stuff for some time due to change of season, pack them up. There’s no need for hoarding items in your room that you don’t need at the moment.
If you have no available storage room, you can use storage bins and cabinet organizers. This way, you’re able to address the clutter and use this as a means to decorate the spot. Or better yet, you may try the minimalist style and see if it works for you.
You tend to lose interest or satisfaction in your bedroom when you see it and sleep in it every single day of your life. Hence, you need to adjust; whether you don’t come home often, or you make some changes in it physically. It’s a pretty easy choice to make.
There can be more things you can do besides the ones presented above. All it takes is a little effort. However, if you’re too lazy to even lift a finger but have a lot of money to burn, you can always call an interior designer instead.